Create Time-Based Discounts

Applies to: Catalog APICatalog API

Learn how to create discounts that apply during a specific active time period, such as a holiday sale.

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Time-based discounts automatically apply during an active time period that you specify in your pricing rule. In this example, you learn how to define a Happy Hour discount to apply a 25% discount to all drinks purchased every day from 3 PM to 6 PM.

The local time is determined by the device running the Point of Sale application.


Point of Sale applications must be version 5.15 or later to take advantage of pricing rules. For questions or feedback, contact Supportcontact Support.

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1. Create a Drinks category

You must have a Drinks category of the CatalogCategory type created in your catalog. To create the Drinks category, follow this exampleexample.

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2. Create a discount, product set, and time period for a time-based discount

Create a 25% discount that is applied during the Happy Hour sale. Create a product set and assign your Drink category as product_ids_any to include all available drinks. Create a time period of 1 PM – 7 PM for 50 weeks beginning May 23, 2019.

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Create a Happy Hour discount

The following cURL example shows how to call the Catalog API UpsertCatalogObjectUpsertCatalogObject endpoint to create a 25% Off Happy Hour discount:

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Upsert catalog object

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If successful, the operation returns the configured CatalogDiscount object for the 25% off Happy Hour discount as the payload of a 200 OK response similar to the following:

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Create a Drinks product set

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The following cURL example shows how to call the Catalog API UpsertCatalogObjectUpsertCatalogObject endpoint to create a CatalogProductSetCatalogProductSet object containing the DrinksDrinks category. The category ID is GXFTT46M3RCBR6LV54HKALC6.

Upsert catalog object

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If successful, the operation returns the created CatalogProductSet object for the Drinks category as the payload of a 200 OK response similar to the following:


You might want to make note of the object_id value (IAPA75F4ZUBMCF6IVIP7FC2E) for future references to this object.

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Create a Happy Hour time period

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The following cURL example shows how to call the Catalog API UpsertCatalogObjectUpsertCatalogObject endpoint to create a CatalogTimePeriodCatalogTimePeriod object containing the discount event time period:

Upsert catalog object

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If successful, the operation returns the payload of a 200 OK response similar to the following:

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3. Configure a pricing rule for a time-based discount

Create a pricing rule that applies the 25% discount to your Drinks product set during an active time period of 1 PM – 7 PM for 50 weeks beginning May 23, 2019.

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The following cURL example shows how to call the Catalog API UpsertCatalogObjectUpsertCatalogObject endpoint to create a CatalogPricingRuleCatalogPricingRule object specifying a discount (as identified by the discount_id value) to be applied to a given product (as identified by the match_products_id value) in the given time period (as identified by the time_period_ids value):

Upsert catalog object


In the example:

  • DE4AZASOM7WGFIJSBZEWEMRG in time_period_ids is the ID of the CatalogTimePeriod object created earlier.
  • IAPA75F4ZUBMCF6IVIP7FC2E is the ID of the CatalogProductSet object created earlier.
  • GAJS57APBZX445NOYMINZZUC is the ID of the CatalogDiscount object created earlier.
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If successful, the operation returns the configured CatalogPricingRule object specifying the automatic application of the Happy Hour discount of 25% off drinks as the payload of a 200 OK response similar to the following:


You now have configured the pricing rule for the automatic discount for happy hours between 1 PM and 7 PM, lasting 50 weeks, and beginning on May 23, 2019.