Subscriptions with checkout API, preview is blank

Sorry for the delay getting back to you. I talked with the team, and you should be able to use an order to create a subscription payment link. However, you will need to add line_items so that the initial phase of the subscription plan can be paid. For example:

	"idempotencyKey": "{{idempotency_key}}",
	"checkoutOptions": {
		"subscriptionPlanId": "{{subscription_id}}"
	"order": {
		"location_id": "{{location_id}}",
		"line_items": [
				"name": "Subscription Fee",
				"quantity": "1",
				"base_price_money": {
					"amount": 100,
					"currency": "USD"

The team’s working on adding in some stricter validation so that the endpoint will actually return an error instead of responding with a non-functional checkout. Thanks for flagging this!