I'm stuck with production payment got bad request error

:wave: When you switched to production did you complete all the deployment tasks:

  1. Get production application credentials. In the Get Sandbox application credentials section, you obtained Sandbox credentials. Follow the steps to open the Developer Dashboard, but this time choose Production mode, and then copy the production application ID and access token.
  2. Update script references. In the ADD SCRIPT REFERENCES section, you added script references in index.html. Update the domain string in the JavaScript reference from sandbox.web.squarecdn.com/v1/square.js to web.squarecdn.com/v1/square.js .
  3. Provide your production application ID. The Web Payments SDK requires a valid application ID to return a payment token. In the Provide your application ID section, you provided a Sandbox application ID. Update the code by providing your production application ID.
  4. Configure your backend server to use a production access token. In the Configure the backend with your access token section, you provided a Sandbox access token. Replace it with the production access token.