HELP: SCA - migrating SQPaymentForm to Web Payments SDK - PHP

@benjamieson I appreciate the offer. I do have an issue and I believe only someone like yourself can help. I am truly frustrated with square. I only need to charge the card, then process some forms (my own) and email those to us (for order processing) along with email confirmation and receipt to the customer. Should be easy enough but this new version fails to give me back control

So I’ve been using SQPaymentForm for years and integration was a cakewalk. The Web Payments SDk is not. I don’t code for a living I code as needed. I like PHP. So here’s where I’ve gotten so far and I’m stuck . I have been able to get the square/index.php to work with a correct charge amount. Using the sandbox it does charge the correct amount - so that works but that’s where I get stuck. Nothing I’ve done takes control back from the results. It ends there. It ignores all the code to continue the process. I’ve added code to the end of the ‘process_payment.php’ = ignored. I’ve found nowhere that SQUARE has written a place to for me to advance the process like ‘include’ or additional code… very weird and frustrating. Almost like they didn’t test this for themselves cause it doesn’t work

I appreciate any help or pointer as to where I can take control and continue to process the order (THX in advance - Jim)

As a foot note or question - maybe you know…, why wouldn’t ‘include’ the square/index.php work? It doesn’t - the process fails if I use ‘include’. I found only an onclick button transfer to operate their index.php works. I’ve not experienced that before