Dynamic Price set on ecommerce checkout page

k I’ll try to figure out how to convert the payment in to an order later on. Thank for the advice :slight_smile:

I am 1000% that I use the correct (production) location ID and application ID.
Do you see ANYthing wrong i a ny shape form with this code (sqpaymentform.js) below? :confused:
(I replaced the last 5 characters with stars)

PS: I’m pretty curious to when I’m supposed to use “Production Application Secret”. I have not used this in ANY of my codes.

var paymentForm = new SqPaymentForm({
  applicationId: "sq0idp-vgCGDav9Nw5b5ghGV*****",
  locationId: "LZC6Y0W4*****",
  inputClass: 'sq-input',
  inputStyles: [{
      fontSize: '.9em'
  cardNumber: {
    elementId: 'sq-card-number',
    placeholder: '•••• •••• •••• ••••'
  cvv: {
    elementId: 'sq-cvv',
    placeholder: 'CVV'
  expirationDate: {
    elementId: 'sq-expiration-date',
    placeholder: 'MM/YY'
  postalCode: {
    elementId: 'sq-postal-code'
  callbacks: {
     * callback function: cardNonceResponseReceived
     * Triggered when: SqPaymentForm completes a card nonce request
    cardNonceResponseReceived: function(errors, nonce, cardData) {
      if (errors) {
        // Log errors from nonce generation to the Javascript console
        console.log("Encountered errors:");
        errors.forEach(function(error) {
			alert('error: sqpaymentform.js:  ' + error.message);

      // Assign the nonce value to the hidden form field
      document.getElementById('card-nonce').value = nonce;

      // POST the nonce form to the payment processing page
 *  -----------------------------------------------------------
 * function: requestCardNonce
 * requestCardNonce is triggered when the "Pay with credit card" button is
 * clicked
 * Modifying this function is not required, but can be customized if you
 * wish to take additional action when the form button is clicked.

//function requestCardNonce(event) {		// removed this for now

function onGetCardNonce(event) {

  // Don't submit the form until SqPaymentForm returns with a nonce

  // Request a nonce from the SqPaymentForm object