Catalog API Upsert Issue

This seems to work for me with the .NET SDK:

RetrieveCatalogObjectResponse retrieveResponse = await catalogApi.RetrieveCatalogObjectAsync(objectId);

CatalogObject catalogObject = retrieveResponse.MObject.ToBuilder()
                    .AbsentAtLocationIds(locationList) // field or fields you want to change

UpsertCatalogObjectRequest upsertRequest = new UpsertCatalogObjectRequest.Builder(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), catalogObject)

UpsertCatalogObjectResponse upsertResponse = await catalogApi.UpsertCatalogObjectAsync(upsertRequest);

My application is a web app so I’m using the Async methods, but that’s not necessary depending on the type of application you’re developing. It should be the same with the non-async methods (and the awaits omitted of course).