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A string that contains no characters. In an API request this value will appear as ''. Can be used to remove a field's value.

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A string that contains no characters. In an API request this value will appear as ''. Can be used to remove a field's value.





A string that contains no characters. In an API request this value will appear as ''. Can be used to remove a field's value.



Square assumes this evidence type if you do not provide a type when uploading evidence.

Use when uploading evidence as a file or string.

Server or activity logs that show proof of the cardholder’s identity and that the cardholder successfully ordered and received the goods (digitally or otherwise). Example evidence includes IP addresses, corresponding timestamps/dates, cardholder’s name and email address linked to a cardholder profile held by the seller, proof the same device and card (used in dispute) were previously used in prior undisputed transaction, and any related detailed activity.

Use when uploading evidence as a file or string.

Evidence that the cardholder did provide authorization for the charge. Example evidence includes a signed credit card authorization.

Use when uploading evidence as a file.

Evidence that the cardholder acknowledged your refund or cancellation policy. Example evidence includes a signature or checkbox showing the cardholder’s acknowledgement of your refund or cancellation policy.

Use when uploading evidence as a file or string.

Evidence that shows relevant communication with the cardholder. Example evidence includes emails or texts that show the cardholder received goods/services or demonstrate cardholder satisfaction.

Use when uploading evidence as a file.

Evidence that validates the customer's identity. Example evidence includes personally identifiable details such as name, email address, purchaser IP address, and a copy of the cardholder ID.

Use when uploading evidence as a file or string.

Evidence that shows proof of the sale/transaction. Example evidence includes an invoice, contract, or other item showing the customer’s acknowledgement of the purchase and your terms.

Use when uploading evidence as a file or string.

Evidence that shows the charges in question are valid and distinct from one another. Example evidence includes receipts, shipping labels, and invoices along with their distinct payment IDs.

Use when uploading evidence as a file.

A description of the product or service sold.

Use when uploading evidence as a file or string.

A receipt or message sent to the cardholder detailing the charge. Note: You do not need to upload the Square receipt; Square submits the receipt on your behalf.

Use when uploading evidence as a file or string.

Evidence that the service was provided to the cardholder or the expected date that services will be rendered. Example evidence includes a signed delivery form, work order, expected delivery date, or other written agreements.

Use when uploading evidence as a file or string.

Evidence that shows the product was provided to the cardholder or the expected date of delivery. Example evidence includes a signed delivery form or written agreement acknowledging receipt of the goods or services.

Use when uploading evidence as a file or string.

Evidence that shows the cardholder previously processed transactions on the same card and did not dispute them. Note: Square automatically provides up to five distinct Square receipts for related transactions, when available.

Use when uploading evidence as a file or string.

An explanation of why the cardholder’s claim is invalid. Example evidence includes an explanation of why each distinct charge is a legitimate purchase, why the cardholder’s claim for credit owed due to their attempt to cancel, return, or refund is invalid per your stated policy and cardholder agreement, or an explanation of how the cardholder did not attempt to remedy the issue with you first to receive credit.

Use when uploading evidence as a file or string.

The tracking number for the order provided by the shipping carrier. If you have multiple numbers, they need to be submitted individually as separate pieces of evidence.

Use when uploading evidence as a string.

POST /v2/disputes/{dispute_id}/evidence-text


// No response received yet.