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UA - enum entry in sqip.Country
UAH - enum entry in sqip.Currency
UG - enum entry in sqip.Country
UGX - enum entry in sqip.Currency
UM - enum entry in sqip.Country
UNKNOWN - enum entry in sqip.Card.Type
UNKNOWN - enum entry in sqip.Card.PrepaidType
UNKNOWN_CURRENCY - enum entry in sqip.Currency
UNSUPPORTED_SDK_VERSION - enum entry in sqip.BuyerVerificationResult.Error.Code

The version of the Square Buyer Verification SDK used by this application is no longer supported.

UNSUPPORTED_SDK_VERSION - enum entry in sqip.GooglePayNonceResult.Error.Code

The version of the Square In-App Payments SDK used by this application is no longer supported.

UNSUPPORTED_SDK_VERSION - enum entry in sqip.SecureRemoteCommerceNonceResult.Error.Code

The version of the Square In-App Payments SDK used by this application is no longer supported.

US - enum entry in sqip.Country
USAGE_ERROR - enum entry in sqip.BuyerVerificationResult.Error.Code

,VerificationParameters,Integer)>BuyerVerification.verify was used in an unexpected or unsupported way. See debugCode and debugMessage for more information.

USAGE_ERROR - enum entry in sqip.GooglePayNonceResult.Error.Code

GooglePay.requestGooglePayNonce was used in an unexpected or unsupported way. See debugCode and debugMessage for more information.

USAGE_ERROR - enum entry in sqip.SecureRemoteCommerceNonceResult.Error.Code

,SecureRemoteCommerceParameters,Integer)>SecureRemoteCommerce.createPaymentDataRequest was used in an unexpected or unsupported way. See debugCode and debugMessage for more information.

USD - enum entry in sqip.Currency
USN - enum entry in sqip.Currency
USS - enum entry in sqip.Currency
UY - enum entry in sqip.Country
UYI - enum entry in sqip.Currency
UYU - enum entry in sqip.Currency
UZ - enum entry in sqip.Country
UZS - enum entry in sqip.Currency
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