Step 4: Redeem Loyalty Points for a Discount

A loyalty program includes one or more reward tiers that define the available discounts. If a buyer qualifies for a reward tier and chooses to redeem points for the discount, you create a reward.

This step follows the typical application flow that enables buyers to redeem points for a discount on a purchase. In this scenario, the buyer redeems points for a free coffee and also accumulates points for their purchase. With "Item based" accrual rules, buyers earn points only for the items that they pay for. They don't earn points for discounted items.

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Application flow overview

The following is a high-level application flow that enables buyers to redeem loyalty points for a discount:

  1. Place an order for the buyer.
  2. Show reward tier options to the buyer. Your application uses client-side logic to determine whether the buyer qualifies for any discounts based on the loyalty point balance, the reward tier, and the order.
  3. If the buyer chooses to redeem points for a discount, create a reward. The Loyalty API removes the points from the loyalty account and holds them in reserve. It also applies the discount to the order.
  4. Take a payment for the order. The Loyalty API sets the reward status to REDEEMED and permanently removes the points from the loyalty account.
  5. If the buyer earned more points from the order, add the points to the buyer's account.


This application flow assumes that you use the Orders API to create and manage orders, which simplifies loyalty workflows. For more information, see Integration with the Orders API.

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Create an order

  1. Call ListCatalog in the Catalog API to get information for the order. To order coffee, you need the ID of the coffee item variation that you created in Add items to the catalog.

    • If you have the ID of the coffee item variation, skip this step.
    • If you don't have the ID, call ListCatalog in the Catalog API. The following request includes a types filter to retrieve catalog objects of type ITEM_VARIATION.

    Replace {ACCESS_TOKEN} with your Sandbox access token.

    List catalog


    The ? in the endpoint URL can cause issues when running the cURL command from a terminal window. If you encounter issues, try wrapping the endpoint URL in quotation marks and resending the request.

    In the response, find the Coffee item variation you created and then copy the ID. Make sure to copy the id property, not the item_id.

  2. Call CreateOrder in the Orders API to create an order for four cups of coffee.

    • Replace {ACCESS_TOKEN} with your Sandbox access token and {UNIQUE_KEY} with a unique idempotency key.
    • Replace the example values for catalog_object_id and location_id with the item variation ID and location ID.

    Create order

    The following is an example response. Each coffee costs $3, so the total_money amount is $12.

  3. Copy the order ID from the response.

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Show the reward tier options to the buyer

To determine whether the buyer qualifies for a discount, your application does the following:

  • Retrieve the loyalty account to check the point balance.
  • Retrieve the loyalty program to get the available reward tiers. A reward tier defines the number of points required to claim the reward, the discount value, and what the discount applies to.
  • Determine qualifying reward tiers based on the loyalty point balance, the reward tier requirements, and the order.

If the buyer qualifies for a discount, your application can offer the reward tier option to the buyer.

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Retrieve the buyer's loyalty account

  1. Call RetrieveLoyaltyAccount in the Loyalty API to retrieve the loyalty account.

    • Replace {ACCESS_TOKEN} with your Sandbox access token.
    • Replace the example account ID in the path with the loyalty account ID.

    Retrieve loyalty account

    The following is an example response.

    { "loyalty_account":{ "id":"1beb38f9-54de-4cb6-8121-718bDexample", "mapping":{ "id":"e27de0ff-e56f-450d-95cb-a49a4example", "phone_number":"+14255551234", "created_at":"2020-05-11T22:55:18Z" }, "program_id":"93afe66e-3a14-4be6-8d50-02755example", "balance":12, "lifetime_points":12, "customer_id":"Q80035RNBEZ4WYTB1P9PTAMTexample", "created_at":"2020-05-11T22:55:18Z", "updated_at":"2020-05-11T25:11:07Z" } }
  2. From the response:

    • Check the balance field to find the point balance for the account. This example has 12 points.
    • Copy the loyalty account ID.
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Retrieve the loyalty program

  1. Call RetrieveLoyaltyProgram to retrieve the loyalty program in the seller's account. You can use the main keyword (as shown in the example) or provide the program ID.

    Replace {ACCESS_TOKEN} with your Sandbox access token.

    Retrieve loyalty program

    The following is an example response, which lists the reward tiers in the loyalty program. The loyalty program used in this walkthrough offers two reward tiers.

  2. Note the number of points required to claim the reward, which is specified in the points field of the reward tier. The first reward tier requires 10 points and the second requires 15 points.

  3. Copy the following values. In this walkthrough, you only need the values for the first reward tier.

    • The reward tier ID.
    • The object ID and catalog version from the pricing_rule_reference field. pricing_rule_reference references the specific version of a PRICING_RULE catalog object that defines the discount details for the reward tier.


The RetrieveLoyaltyProgram response currently also includes the deprecated definition field, which is replaced by the pricing_rule_reference field. When possible, you should use pricing_rule_reference.

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Determine qualifying reward tiers

Your application can now determine whether the buyer qualifies for any discounts based on the point balance of the loyalty account, the order, and the reward tier.

  1. Check whether the loyalty account has enough points to claim the reward. In this example, the loyalty account has a balance of 12 points, so the buyer qualifies for reward tier 1 (redeem 10 points for a free coffee), but doesn't qualify for reward tier 2 (redeem 15 points for a free sandwich). Therefore, you need to get the discount details for reward tier 1.

  2. Call RetrieveCatalogObject in the Catalog API to retrieve the PRICING_RULE and other catalog objects that define the discount details for the reward tier.

    • Replace {ACCESS_TOKEN} with your Sandbox access token.
    • Replace the example object ID and catalog version in the path with the actual values. The pricing rule is pinned to a specific catalog version, so you must specify the catalog version in the request. The request must also set the include_related_objects parameter to true.

    Retrieve catalog object


    The ? or & in the endpoint URL can cause issues when running the cURL command from a terminal window. If you encounter issues, try wrapping the endpoint URL in quotation marks and resending the request.

    The following is an example response.

  3. Determine the discount scope and value. The reward tier in this walkthrough offers a free coffee for 10 points. You can find this information in the PRICING_RULE, DISCOUNT, and PRODUCT_SET objects. For CATEGORY and ITEM_VARIATION scopes, the response also includes the categories or items that the discount applies to.

    The following settings indicate that the scope is a single item:

    • In the PRICING_RULE object, the pricing_rule_data.discount_target_scope field is LINE_ITEM.
    • In the PRODUCT_SET object, the product_set_data.product_ids_any field contains one ID, which maps to the ITEM_VARIATION object that was also returned in the response.

    The following settings indicate that the value is 100% (free):

    • In the DISCOUNT object, the discount_data.discount_type field is FIXED_PERCENTAGE.
    • In the DISCOUNT object, the discount_data.percentage is 100.0.


    Depending on your application flow, you might also need to call the Catalog API to get current product information, such as the current pricing. For more information, see Getting discount details for a reward tier.

Your application can show the reward tier option to the buyer. For this walkthrough, assume that the buyer chooses to redeem 10 points to get a free coffee.

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Create a reward

  1. Call CreateLoyaltyReward in the Loyalty API to create a reward and apply the discount to the order.

    • Replace {ACCESS_TOKEN} with your Sandbox access token and {UNIQUE_KEY} with a unique idempotency key.
    • Replace the example values for loyalty_account_id, reward_tier_id, and order_id with the actual values.

    Create loyalty reward

    The following is an example response:

    { "reward":{ "id":"43f05faf-96b1-3169-adab-c8a6aexample", "status":"ISSUED", "loyalty_account_id":"1beb38f9-54de-4cb6-8121-718bDexample", "reward_tier_id":"9854964a-ee8b-4622-9fbe-7fcb7example", "points":10, "order_id":"I3LwAibJUA8VGZXnO3fNX8example", "created_at":"2020-05-11T23:37:06Z", "updated_at":"2020-05-11T23:37:06Z" } }

    When a reward is created, the Loyalty API does the following:

    • Removes the points required by the reward tier from the buyer's loyalty account. These points are held in reserve and cannot be redeemed for any other reward unless this reward is deleted. For more information, see Redeem a loyalty reward.

    • Updates the order with reward and discount information. You can see these updates in the next step. The Loyalty API performs this step only if the order was created using the Orders API and the order ID was specified in the CreateLoyaltyReward request.

    Did you know?

    You might prefer to show the buyer a preview of the discounted order before you create a reward. For more information, see Deferred reward creation.

  2. Call RetrieveOrder to retrieve the updated order amounts to show to the buyer.

    • Replace {ACCESS_TOKEN} with your Sandbox access token.
    • Replace the example order ID in the path with the actual value.

    Retrieve order

    The following in an example response.

    The Loyalty API updates the order with reward and discount fields and amounts, as follows:

    • Adds the discounts and rewards fields to the order. In this example, the order contains one discount and one reward.
      • The discount maps to the PRICING_RULE and DISCOUNT objects for the reward tier and the loyalty reward you created.
      • The reward maps to the reward tier and the loyalty reward you created.
    • Adds the applied_discounts field to qualifying line items. In this example, the line item has one applied discount, which maps to the order-level discount.
    • Updates the following amounts for the order and line item:
      • total_discount_money shows a $3 discount amount that represents the value of the free coffee.
      • total_money shows a decrease from $12 to $9.


The presence of the discount indicates the reward was applied to the order. It's possible to create a reward that cannot be applied to the order. For example, you might create a reward for a free coffee, but the coffee isn't in the order and the discount cannot be applied. In this case, Square deletes the reward and returns the points to the buyer's loyalty account after the order reaches a terminal state (for example, the order is paid or canceled).

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Take a payment

Call CreatePayment in the Payments API to take a payment of $9 for the preceding order. In this walkthrough, you provide a Sandbox payment token for the source_id of the payment source.

  • Replace {ACCESS_TOKEN} with your Sandbox access token and {UNIQUE_KEY} with a unique idempotency key.
  • Replace the example value for order_id with the order ID.

Create payment

After you pay for the order, the Loyalty API sets the loyalty reward status to REDEEMED and permanently removes the points from the loyalty account.

Did you know?

A searchable loyalty event is generated when a reward is created, redeemed, or deleted. For more information, see Search for Balance-Changing Loyalty Events.

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Give the buyer points for the purchase

The buyer paid for the order and therefore qualifies for loyalty points. Call AccumulateLoyaltyPoints in the Loyalty API to add the points to the buyer's loyalty account.

  • Replace {ACCESS_TOKEN} with your Sandbox access token and {UNIQUE_KEY} with a unique idempotency key.
  • Replace the example account ID in the path with the actual loyalty account ID.
  • Replace the example values for order_id and location_id with the actual order ID and location ID.

Accumulate loyalty points

The buyer received one free coffee and paid for three coffees. The loyalty program's accrual rule is "Earn one point for each coffee purchased," so the buyer gets three points for this purchase. Because you're using the Orders API to create manage orders, you don't have to do any calculations. You provide the order ID in your AccumulateLoyaltyPoints request and the Loyalty API computes the loyalty points using the purchase amount.

{ "event":{ "id":"efc9fc89-60e5-360a-9002-d3904example", "type":"ACCUMULATE_POINTS", "created_at":"2020-05-12T00:05:29Z", "accumulate_points":{ "loyalty_program_id":"93afe66e-3a14-4be6-8d50-02755example", "points":3, "order_id":"I3LwAibJUA8VGZXnO3fNX8example" }, "loyalty_account_id":"1beb38f9-54de-4cb6-8121-718bDexample", "location_id":"S8GWD5example", "source":"LOYALTY_API" } }

You can optionally call RetrieveLoyaltyAccount to see that the points were added.

  • Replace {ACCESS_TOKEN} with your Sandbox access token.
  • Replace the example account ID in the path with the actual loyalty account ID.

Retrieve loyalty account