2022-06-16 Changelog

Bookings API
Gift Card Activities API
Gift Cards API
Inventory API
Payments API
Payouts API
Terminal API
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Version summary

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API updates

  • Bookings API:

    • AppointmentSegment object. The service_variation_id and service_variation_version attributes are now optional.
  • Gift Card Activities API:

    • The Gift Card Activities API has moved to the general availability (GA) state.

    • GiftCardActivityRedeem object. Added the status field, which indicates the redemption status: PENDING, COMPLETED, or CANCELED. This field is now included in all REDEEM activities. Also added the corresponding GiftCardActivityRedeemStatus enum.

    • gift_card.activity.updated webhook. New webhook event invoked when a REDEEM activity or IMPORT activity is updated.

    • CreateGiftCardActivity endpoint. The redeem_activity_id field is now optional for REFUND activities, which allows the REFUND activity type to be used for all gift card refunds. In addition, cross-tender refunds made from Square Point of Sale or the Square Seller Dashboard are now processed as REFUND activities instead of UNLINKED_ACTIVITY_REFUND activities. For more information, see Migration notes.

  • Gift Cards API:

    • The Gift Cards API has moved to the GA state.

    • ListGiftCards endpoint. Gift cards returned in the response are now sorted by the created_at timestamp in ascending order.

  • Inventory API:

    • BatchRetrieveInventoryCounts endpoint. This endpoint now exposes the limit field for applications to set the maximum number of records to return in a page.
    • BatchRetrieveInventoryChanges endpoint. This endpoint now exposes the limit field for applications to set the maximum number of records to return in a page.
  • Payments API:

    • Card object. This object now includes a new field, card_co_brand, which is set if a buyer uses a co-branded card for payment. For example, suppose a seller takes an in-person payment using a Square product such as Square Point of Sale. If the buyer uses Google Pay or Apple Pay that has an Afterpay card attached, the resulting Payment object has the card_details.card.card_co_brand set to AFTERPAY. This additional information allows the seller to distinguish between an Afterpay card from some other card attached to Google Pay or Apple Pay.

    • CreatePayment endpoint. By default, if an authorized payment (see Delayed Capture of a Card Payment) is not in a terminal state (COMPLETED, CANCELED, or FAILED) after the delay_duration time period is expired, Square automatically cancels the payment. Now an application can optionally direct Square to complete the authorized payment by setting the delay_action field to COMPLETE in a CreatePayment request. For more information, see Time threshold.

  • Payouts API:

    • The Payouts API has moved to the GA state and replaces the deprecated V1 Settlements API.
  • Terminal API:

    • TerminalAction object. The following changes apply:

      • Added PING as a supported Terminal action type.
      • Added the device_metadata field to support returning device information from a CreateTerminalAction request of the PING type. Examples of device information include battery level, operating system version, network connection settings, and other information.

      For more information about using the PING Terminal action, see Check Device Information for a Square Terminal.

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Documentation updates